You need to spend enough money on advertising to make an impact in the marketplace. You need to make some noise — be heard above the din of other advertising messages. But you don’t want to spend more on advertising than you can comfortably afford. Making the most of the money you have can be a difficult tightrope act.
One of my clients, whose advertising budget remains steady from month to month regardless of ups and downs in sales, preaches consistency as the number one rule in his advertising plans. His philosophy is simple: In order to compete, you must be heard. You want consumers to think of your business when they’re in the market for the products you sell, so you should at least have some advertising presence at all times. His thinking is, over the year, it all averages out.
On the other hand, not everyone can afford to have an advertising presence year-round. You may not even need to be out there every day. By virtue of your unique product or service, you may be able to do a fine job by only advertising special events or sales on an as-needed basis. This kind of advertising requires a bit more planning and creative-media buying in order to get the job done, but it’s a workable option for many businesses.
Finally, many businesses simply don’t have enough money to do much more than advertise when they absolutely have to, such as at Christmas or back-toschool times.
No matter what group you fall into, keep in mind that you can save big bucks in many different ways, several of which I outline for you in the following Maximizing Your Budget.
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